Dearly beloved...
Welcome to Whimsical! I am Kelly and this is my fanlistings collective! This is the go-to place for anything and everything that I have fanlisting-related. From joined to upcoming, this is where you'll find what brings out the bounce-worthy, squeal-inducing fangirl in moi.Updates will be far and in-between some days, but feel free to come back and check for any recent updates/additions to this niche of mine online. If you have any comments or suggestions for me, please don't hesitate to let me know by email. Thank you for visiting!
Words have no meaning
I currently own 25
fanlistings with 0 upcoming.
At the moment, there are 10228
wonderful fans listed in total from around the world along with
4 waiting to be added. I've recently
opened MOVED: We're All In This Together, the
High School Musical Series, HSM, HSM2, & HSM3: Senior Year fanlisting.